Where was Jesus when I was being abused?
GUEST WRITER: Laurie Tims “Where was Jesus when you were suffering?” my spiritual director asked me as we sat together seeking the Lord recently. Tears. I didn’t know. I had faith that He was there over the decades, but I couldn’t see Him through the shame of my reactions to my dad’s abuse. Since my reactions […]
Am I Being Abused? Some signs that you may be experiencing Spiritual Abuse
Written By Guest Blogger: Diana Iraheta Spiritual abuse. It sounds like an oxymoron! Abuse and faith should never exist together, but unfortunately it is a reality that many people in faith communities have experienced. Fundamentally, spiritual abuse is the use of your faith against you. Because you love God and want to please Him, scripture […]
Gender Equality in the Bible: Why is it Important?
When I was growing up, I was raised by parents who thought that I could do anything and be anything that I wanted. My father actually hoped that I would become a pilot, like him. At that time, there was a lot of talk about equality. In the church that I grew up in, one […]
The Truth About Emotional Boundaries
We’re going to continue talking about boundaries on the blog and in video teachings because this is such an important topic. Today we are focusing on emotional boundaries. Like we discussed in the last blog, feeling bad about setting boundaries can be common. This is especially true with emotional boundaries. It is one thing to […]
How to Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Time
Having healthy boundaries is really all about managing the time, energy and resources that we have available to us, so that we can prioritize those things for the things in our lives that are important to us. Managing our boundaries is a form of self-care. In this guide, we’re going to talk about what healthy […]
Am I In A Healthy Relationship?
As children, we learn everything we know about relationships from our family and friends. We see how our parents interact, we learn from how they treat us, and so on. What we experience in relationships growing up feels so normal that sometimes it isn’t until we reach adulthood that we realize they may not have […]