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Paperback and eBook available

Anna's Story Shows How God's Love and Understanding Your True Identity Overcome Abandonment and Rejection from Trauma, Adversity and Adoption

I had been adopted into a loving family. So why did I feel so abandoned?

Throughout childhood and adulthood, Anna Harris couldn’t shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong with her. It was only when she began to understand trauma, especially trauma from the womb and adoption, and the unconditional love of her heavenly Father, that she began to gain insight into her own heart.

Although your circumstances may be different, you may relate to feeling the need to strive to please God and others, or the pain and feelings of not belonging, abandonment and rejection that Anna experienced.

Now Anna invites you into her own personal transformative journey to learn how to heal from trauma and connect with your true identity as a child of God.

  • Experience for yourself the love of your heavenly Father
  • Understand how trauma impacts us and learn self-regulation and self-care techniques
  • Identity limiting beliefs and transform them


Interwoven into the book is Anna’s story of finally finding and connecting with her birth family, which God used to bring another level of healing.

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We would love your help spreading the word about “Not Abandoned”. 

Help others experience the love of our heavenly Father and find healing by joining the team!

 Let’s help many more experience the love of our heavenly Father and find healing from life’s hurts and help them discover their true identity and live from a place of wholeness and authenticity.


1. Read the early copy of the book I’ll send you as a PDF.

2. Write an honest review of it and hold that review for the day of the book launch.

3. When the book is published on Amazon, on September 10th, you’ll download your FREE Kindle copy of the book, upload your review, and then let others know they can get the e-book for free for a limited time.


Betsy Kylstra
Betsy Kylstra
Betsy S. Kylstra, MA ,Eds Co-founder Restoring The Foundations International
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Anna's gripping story tells how Father God finds her as an orphan, and makes His home in the center of her life. You may weep as He transforms her from a fearful, isolated child into a woman of peace and vibrancy. Through this deeply personal process, Anna is so infused with Father‘s love that she is prepared to meet and embrace her somewhat broken birth family. With them, she finds further healing through acceptance and connectedness. Through this powerful, healing meeting, Anna can also now recognize, and accept her heavenly Father’s fingerprints on her adoption.

This book also contains reams of valuable information, ranging from the power of prenatal experiences, to the inner foundational lies believed by most abandoned children, to the importance of self-care and self-regulation as part of a healed lifestyle.

Anna‘s inspiring story shows how the, “Hound of Heaven” wants to pursue and love each of us, regardless of the circumstances of our birth. This book explodes with the Father’s love. I encourage you to make a decision. Open your own heart to receive a fresh touch from Him as you read!
Denise Jordan
Denise Jordan
Co-Founder of FatherHeart Ministries
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No matter our life circumstances there are fundamental questions that lurk in our deepest consciousness.. Who am I? Am I loved, am I accepted? Was I planned or am I a mistake, do I belong? What if I didn't grow up with my birth family?

In the years that I have known Anna one of her attributes that has impressed me is her relentless pursuit of answers to these questions, firstly for herself and then for us, her readers. The healing understanding that flows in these pages has been won through tears, scholarly research and ultimately, a genuine connection with the gentle and loving Father that Jesus came to reveal.
Patricia "Trisha" Frost
Patricia "Trisha" Frost
Patricia Frost, Ph.D Co-Founder of Shiloh Place Ministries
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Have you ever felt "nothing is wrong but something ain’t right"? As Christians, our pursuit of the answer to this question begins in prayer, asking our Father for all of the answers. Sometimes we get those answers right away, and sometimes it means we will need to spend time researching what those feelings are actually rooted in. Let’s face it--we're all looking for that place where we feel we totally belong and are accepted and affirmed into our destinies. Without the answers to our heart questions, we might spend our whole lives trying to feel loved and accepted, wondering why in our environments we are not.

Without the answers, we might live our lives believing the lie that we have no value. Without a clear picture of who we are, we can’t find where we are supposed to end up, so we can spend our lives living from rejection and uncertainty. Therefore, the feeling of nothing is wrong but something is not right.

Anna’s journey is life-giving, as she has found answers through prayer and research. They were not always the answers she hoped to find, but there was solace in finally knowing her background, because in knowing that, she found her “Why?" Now you can allow Anna’s story to help you on your journey. She has done some of the work for you, and she has created a platform for you to be able to begin to record your own journey. Curt Thompson said, “From the moment we are born, we are looking for someone to be looking for us. We are looking to be loved.” Someone is looking for you, someone does care about your journey through life. Let Anna help you. She has done it successfully for herself. Great book, Anna. I hope everyone will pick up this book and find their way home.
Mark Head
Mark Head
Founder of The Finding Home Journey
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Usually the thing I appreciate most about airports is getting through them efficiently. Get in and get out is the rule - I even time myself. But there is one exception worth taking the take time to stop and appreciate that enriches any day. That is the reuniting of families. The most delightful scenes witnessed in airports. Hugs, tears, and in particular little children running into their mummy’s or daddy’s arms. This can bring a smile to the face of even the most jaded travelers. After a time of separation there is nothing quite like the appreciation you feel of being together again with the ones you love. It speaks to us of what it is to be connected to something deeply meaningful, of belonging. It speaks to us of home.

Anna’s story of uniting with a family that she had never ever known is so exceptionally powerful for us all. The power of this story is not just in the unfolding of amazing circumstances, but the even deeper inner journey of identity that Anna walks us through. Anna has processed her own inner struggle to such a degree she has been able to find and speaks to the deep truths applicable to all of us that long for more. She is able to articulate the cry on many of our hearts growing up - “Why …. on the inside, did I feel so different?”  This speaks to the longing in each of us, to really know who am I, where am I from, and what my purpose is in this life.

As you read her story, you will come to see that this story speak to an even greater depth of who we all are and what we all long for. We were made for deep connection with our God. There is something in each of us that wants to experience what it is to be truly home. This story so clearly illustrates that the Homecoming we all long for - whether adopted or not - is available in this life. We can know about it, believe for it, even teach about it, but experiencing the reality of it in this life is the only thing that can answer the legitimate questions that our heart longs for. Read on and see how the Father himself is in fact deeply invested in the intricacies of our lives and delights in answering these questions in the most intricate of ways. Even right down to where Anna’s red hair came from.

Book Series

The Defined by God Series takes the reader on a journey of healing from various life difficulties, through God’s fathering, nurturing love.

Book One, Not Abandoned, focuses on overcoming feelings of abandonment and rejection from trauma, adversity or adoption. 

Book Two will focus on recognizing spiritual abuse and unhealthy church/religious culture, recovering from religious trauma, and finding your first love again.

Book Three will focus on walking with the Father through major life events, transitions and losses, planned and unplanned, such as divorce, sudden career change, loss of a loved one or financial trauma.