Surviving vs Thriving

Surviving vs Thriving I HAD COPING SKILLS, BUT WHAT ABOUT THRIVING SKILLS? Living through trauma and/or abuse can teach us to have some well-honed survival and coping skills. We can actually get very good at surviving. But, once we’re out of that particular traumatic and/or abusive situation, those survival skills may not serve us any more, […]

When Forgiveness Teaching is Harmful

Did you know that sometimes forgiveness teaching can actually be harmful and toxic? To clarify, I am talking about certain teachings on forgiveness in the church today, not the concept of forgiveness itself.  For a long while now, I’ve felt that God has been having me speak and teach about issues in the church that […]

How Do You Practice Self-Care During Uncertain Times?

The news coming from Ukraine recently is devastating. You may feel afraid or heartbroken as you watch footage of violence breaking out. Global tragedies are tough to process. Many of us feel overwhelmed by current world events but unsure of how to deal with the grief and dread we experience. Recently, I was chatting with […]

Mental Health and Religion: Do Demons Cause Depression and Anxiety?

women in church

Do demons and demonic forces cause depression and anxiety? If you grew up in certain church circles, you may believe the answer is yes. In the past, before we had a more accurate understanding of depression and anxiety as mental illnesses, the Church’s answer has been to pray away the demon causing someone to feel […]

What Does the Father Heart of God Mean?

fatherheart of god

Growing up, when I thought about God and Jesus, I always thought that Jesus was the nice one and God as being distant and angry. When I prayed as a child and young adult, I would talk to Jesus, but not to God the Father. I thought he was disappointed with me, cold, and judgemental.  […]

Gender Equality in the Bible: Why is it Important?

gender equality

When I was growing up, I was raised by parents who thought that I could do anything and be anything that I wanted. My father actually hoped that I would become a pilot, like him.  At that time, there was a lot of talk about equality. In the church that I grew up in, one […]

What is Faith Deconstruction? Let’s Make it Less Scary

If you’ve ever worked on a car engine, you know that it’s a messy process. You have to take it apart piece by piece, clean up the parts, repair them, or even replace them completely. However, when it’s all done, you can put it back together and have a working engine again. Faith deconstruction is […]

What Is Spiritual Abuse and how do you recover?

Spiritual abuse

Are you a victim of spiritual abuse? Unfortunately, many people are, but they may not realize it. When you grow up in a strict religious culture, some things that seem normal can actually be abusive, but it’s hard to recognize if you’re used to it.  What is spiritual abuse? I’m going to share my personal […]

The Truth About Emotional Boundaries

Image of a girl in a field for a blog about emotional boundaries

We’re going to continue talking about boundaries on the blog and in video teachings because this is such an important topic. Today we are focusing on emotional boundaries. Like we discussed in the last blog, feeling bad about setting boundaries can be common. This is especially true with emotional boundaries. It is one thing to […]