Tips for Lowering Your Anxiety

Whether or not you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, we all encounter anxiety from time to time. When anxiety rushes in, it’s hard to know how to handle it in the moment. Sometimes a small moment triggers a wave of anxiety that throws off your entire day. Even though dealing with some levels […]
Discovering Your True Self

WHO DEFINES YOU? Who defines you, and defines your identity? Are you defined from the inside out, or from the outside in? Do you feel secure and confident in who you are? Or have others told you who you are? Have you created an identity based on being yourself, or based on being accepted by […]
Reflections From The Wilderness

“But I will court her again and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak to her tenderly there.” Hosea 2:14 (The Living Bible) “Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her Beloved?” Song of Songs 8:5 (NIV) There have been several times of my life that I would call times in […]
Excuse Me, Your (Southern) Roots Are Showing

Depending on your background and where you grew up, you may find it hard to believe that many churches in the United States, especially in the South, still teach that women cannot be pastors or leaders in the church. They also believe that in the church, women cannot teach men or hold positions of authority. […]