How Do You Practice Self-Care During Uncertain Times?

The news coming from Ukraine recently is devastating. You may feel afraid or heartbroken as you watch footage of violence breaking out. Global tragedies are tough to process. Many of us feel overwhelmed by current world events but unsure of how to deal with the grief and dread we experience. Recently, I was chatting with […]
The Truth About Emotional Boundaries

We’re going to continue talking about boundaries on the blog and in video teachings because this is such an important topic. Today we are focusing on emotional boundaries. Like we discussed in the last blog, feeling bad about setting boundaries can be common. This is especially true with emotional boundaries. It is one thing to […]
How to Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Time

Having healthy boundaries is really all about managing the time, energy and resources that we have available to us, so that we can prioritize those things for the things in our lives that are important to us. Managing our boundaries is a form of self-care. In this guide, we’re going to talk about what healthy […]
Tips for Lowering Your Anxiety

Whether or not you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, we all encounter anxiety from time to time. When anxiety rushes in, it’s hard to know how to handle it in the moment. Sometimes a small moment triggers a wave of anxiety that throws off your entire day. Even though dealing with some levels […]