Surviving vs Thriving
Surviving vs Thriving I HAD COPING SKILLS, BUT WHAT ABOUT THRIVING SKILLS? Living through trauma and/or abuse can teach us to have some well-honed survival and coping skills. We can actually get very good at surviving. But, once we’re out of that particular traumatic and/or abusive situation, those survival skills may not serve us any more, […]
When Forgiveness Teaching is Harmful
Did you know that sometimes forgiveness teaching can actually be harmful and toxic? To clarify, I am talking about certain teachings on forgiveness in the church today, not the concept of forgiveness itself. For a long while now, I’ve felt that God has been having me speak and teach about issues in the church that […]
Where was Jesus when I was being abused?
GUEST WRITER: Laurie Tims “Where was Jesus when you were suffering?” my spiritual director asked me as we sat together seeking the Lord recently. Tears. I didn’t know. I had faith that He was there over the decades, but I couldn’t see Him through the shame of my reactions to my dad’s abuse. Since my reactions […]
Am I Being Abused? Some signs that you may be experiencing Spiritual Abuse
Written By Guest Blogger: Diana Iraheta Spiritual abuse. It sounds like an oxymoron! Abuse and faith should never exist together, but unfortunately it is a reality that many people in faith communities have experienced. Fundamentally, spiritual abuse is the use of your faith against you. Because you love God and want to please Him, scripture […]