Am I Being Abused? Some signs that you may be experiencing Spiritual Abuse
Written By Guest Blogger: Diana Iraheta Spiritual abuse. It sounds like an oxymoron! Abuse and faith should never exist together, but unfortunately it is a reality that many people in faith communities have experienced. Fundamentally, spiritual abuse is the use of your faith against you. Because you love God and want to please Him, scripture […]
Mental Health and Religion: Do Demons Cause Depression and Anxiety?
Do demons and demonic forces cause depression and anxiety? If you grew up in certain church circles, you may believe the answer is yes. In the past, before we had a more accurate understanding of depression and anxiety as mental illnesses, the Church’s answer has been to pray away the demon causing someone to feel […]
What is Faith Deconstruction? Let’s Make it Less Scary
If you’ve ever worked on a car engine, you know that it’s a messy process. You have to take it apart piece by piece, clean up the parts, repair them, or even replace them completely. However, when it’s all done, you can put it back together and have a working engine again. Faith deconstruction is […]
Spiritual Bypassing
The woman stood at the end of the potluck table, staring down at the casseroles. The cancer had come on so quickly; her Ed hadn’t stood a chance. He was gone. Another woman walked up next to her, setting a dish on the overflowing table. “Aw, I’m so sorry about Ed,” she said. “But you […]