Desiree Simons is a Certified Trauma and Resilience Life Coach. She’s a wife and mother of 2 and has been rescued by Jesus from addiction, death, fear, bad habits and many other things.
Desiree has had a life of ups and downs and has been through various severe traumas. She went through a painful divorce and was headed down a complete path of destruction until she gave her life fully to Jesus.
“I spent many years in a very dark place, being trafficked, experienced satanic rituals, mental health torment and struggled with addiction since the age of 12. As a teenager between the ages of 12 and 17 I was placed within 7 different mental hospitals and was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Bipolar, Borderline Split Personality Disorder and Insomnia. I was prescribed 13 pills twice a day while also doing street drugs. At the age of 18 I moved into my Granny B’s home who was struggling with Dementia. She truly helped transform a lot of the things regarding mental health for me.”
In her early 20’s she became pregnant with her first son. Although still being very unstable, she knew being a mother would change her life. Shortly after delivering her son, she became pregnant with my daughter. At that point she struggled with postpartum depression. She began drinking and smoking weed after her second child and had back surgery as well due to the back to back pregnancies and how it affected her back. The traumas didn’t stop there, she ended up dying for 5 minutes at home at one point, but thankfully her mother prayed and she came back to life on the spot! She had her kids taken from her and that’s when she knew enough was enough. She reached out for some help and got it. Listen to her remarkable story of trauma and God’s redemptive power!
“If there is one thing I could give to anyone is that truly giving your life to Jesus and allowing him to work within your heart will truly change everything for the better. It may be painful and a process but it is well worth it. I owe him every part of my life and I am so happy I can now walk in freedom today from all of the labels, false identities and strongholds. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus!”
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