My Story: Spiritual abuse in the church, why I stayed in a broken marriage
Author of this blog: Guest Writer – Anonymous Spiritual abuse in the church and why I stayed in a broken marriage. Let me be honest with you, my mistake was believing in people more than I believed in God. I thought that I believed in God more than anything but I finally see how my […]
What Are Adverse Childhood Experiences, and How Do They Still Affect Your Health Today?
Have you ever thought about how your childhood experiences are still affecting your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing today? I have been a part of various heart-healing ministries for almost two decades, and they all emphasize healing from the trauma of the past to live freely in the present and future. I think heart healing […]
How To Deconstruct Your Faith Without Losing It
It was 9 years ago now that I unknowingly started my journey of deconstructing. It all happened when God told me to move to Texas and volunteer at a little church in Houston. I didn’t know a soul in Texas, yet I packed my bags, left my native country (Canada) and started on an adventure […]